Below are some RECENT examples of acts of terrorism and fear created by BSL.
A Vile Threat
 | (copied from Toronto Star)
It’s an issue that just won’t go away. Attorney General
Michael Bryant spearheaded the new pit bull law that was introduced at Queen’s Park recently. Since then, both sides
of the heated argument have voiced their opinions.
Someone took things a frightening step further, however, after
a disturbing find in a popular children’s park.
A Riverdale resident found a bag of bullets with an apparent
threat against pit bulls while walking her dogs in the park near Broadview and Gerrard. The bag was left beside a tree at
the bottom of a tobogganing hill.
“It disturbed me,” admitted area resident Margo Martin. “It bothered
me a lot. I have a concern that there's live ammunition in my local park. I don't think that this is the type of attention
that we want to attract to the pit bull issue.”
Detectives picked up the evidence on Thursday and will be deciding
whether to investigate further.
December 23, 2004
a few weeks prior to this ---in the SAME park...
(copied from CityTV Community Board)
Man bites dog-owner Disputes about pit bulls are turning city parks into battlegrounds
CHENEY Saturday, November 6, 2004 - Page M1
Not long ago, Darlene Reid looked forward to
walking her dogs through the streets of Toronto as a peaceful interlude from big-city life. Now, she considers it an
In the past two weeks alone, she has had shouting matches, nasty looks and one physical battle. In the interests
of safety, she no longer allows her 13-year-old daughter to walk the dogs.
"The whole situation sucks," says Ms.
Reid, the owner of three Staffordshire terriers. "It can't go on like this."
Like many other Toronto dog owners,
Ms. Reid has found a dramatically changed environment since the province announced that it would pass a law banning
pit bulls and related breeds. Her dogs, which would be affected by the proposed law, have become a red flag.
brought the dog-haters out of the woodwork," she says.
Two weeks ago, she was confronted in Riverdale Park by two young
men who told her she had no right to be out in public with her "killer dogs." When she tried to reason with them, things
went downhill.
One of the men kicked one of her dogs. When she tried to stop him, he knocked her to the ground.
As this went on, her dogs looked on from the sidelines, according to Ms. Reid -- "so much for the killer dogs," she says.
don't feel safe in my own city now," says Ms. Reid, who suffered minor injuries in the attack. "People seem to think they
can do or say whatever they want because you've got a dog."
Ms. Reid is not the only dog owner who has faced hostility
since the breed ban was proposed. The announcement has clearly heightened the social tensions that surround urban dog
Although there are no official numbers (Toronto Police don't keep statistics on minor assaults and confrontations),
officials with the Toronto Humane Society say there have been numerous disputes.
"Dog owners just can't deal with
what's happening," says Romeo Bernadino, managing director of animal care services at the THS. "It's not a good situation."
Kelly, a Toronto writer who owns a pit bull named Maggie, says the past three weeks have been marked by outright intolerance:
"When we go into a park now, it's like we're wearing the Scarlet Letter," he says.
Susan Coutts, who lives near
North Bay, says the tension surrounding dogs isn't confined to the big city -- or to owners of pit bulls. Last week, she and
a friend got a tongue lashing from a woman outside a shopping mall where they were with their dogs -- a black Labrador
and a German shepherd.
"She told us that it was illegal for us to have them in public without muzzles," says Ms.
Coutts, whose dogs often visit seniors homes as part of a community outreach program. "It was ridiculous."
Ms. Coutts
feels that a handful of highly publicized attacks have driven the political process, and that the proposed ban will do
nothing to protect the public. "I feel like every person in Ontario who has a dog is being made to pay for the mistakes
of a few irresponsible dog owners."
Casey Conklin, a member of the Withrow Park Dog Owners' Association, says the
ban on pit bull breeds has affected virtually all breeds, and has divided Toronto into two camps: those who like dogs and
those who don't.
"I used to get just about zero reaction," she says. "Now, I see both extremes. Some people go out
of their way to pat my dogs. And some people yell at you -- 'get your goddamn dogs out of here.' "
Ms. Conklin has
three dogs. None of them are pit bulls (two are retrievers, the other is a Lakeland terrier).
Last week in Withrow
Park, she found herself in an ugly confrontation with a man who told her she had no right to bring her dogs out in public.
Although she tried to remain composed, the man's continued intransigence wore her down, and the exchange ended in a
full-on screaming match.
"I'm from New Jersey," she says. "At some point, Jersey girl kicks in."
"This seems
to have given carte blanche to people who hate dogs," Ms. Conklin says of the breed ban. "It validates their intolerance.
They feel like they have a right to express ignorant views."
Ms. Conklin sees the pit-bull ban as pure demagoguery,
and accuses Ontario Attorney-General Michael Bryant of playing to people's irrational fears. Mr. Bryant has referred
to pit bulls as "ticking time bombs" and "inherently dangerous animals."
"Every time he has a press conference,
he has a pit bull that's attacked someone," Ms. Conklin says. "He's created the impression that if you have a pit bull,
you have no regard for other people. He makes it seem like you're walking around with a loaded gun."
Teresa Rickerby,
a Coburg pet shop owner who belongs to an advocacy group called People for Pit Bulls, says the politics surrounding the
breed ban have made it impossible to hold a meaningful debate about the issues.
"No one discusses the facts,"
she says. "It's all driven by emotion and fear."
Ms. Reid says the attack in Riverdale Park was just one part in
a much larger picture. Since the ban was announced, she has been subjected to nasty looks, lectures and profanity-laced
"People come up and yell at you," she says. "They tell you that you've got no right to be out in public
with a dog. They say, 'Get your killers off the street.' "
In one instance, one of her dogs was kicked while he
was tethered to a lamppost outside a restaurant on Danforth Avenue.
"There's harassment that has been going on for
a long time," she says. "But now it's way worse. You never saw anything like that before. No one kicked my dogs until
now. What we're seeing here is prejudice. . . . We're being treated like criminals and we haven't done anything wrong."
Deoin Greaves, a 26-year-old Toronto man, the hostility he has encountered with his pit bull Red since the breed ban was
announced has been too much. On Wednesday, he took his dog to the Humane Society for adoption.
"I didn't want to
give him up," he says. "But I can't stand it any more." ULL06/TPNational/Toronto